A Drone × Urban and Rural Improvement Workshop
A drone, unmanned air vehicle, have various potential in urban and rural improvement. Although we can imagine a flying drone easily, its current technology is not known very well. Without knowing a current drone technology, it is difficult to think practical use of a drone.
This workshop was carried out at the University of Tokyo on June 11, 2016. Our aim was to think practical use of a drone after knowing a current drone technology. In addition, the workshop was supported by G-Force Inc., a dealer in drones. Five students (Tokyo University of Technology) helped the beginners to operate drones.
The workshop was divided into six stages. In the first stage, an outline of a drone technology was shown. In the second stage, all participants operated drones in the room and in the outdoors of the campus. In the third stage, a current drone technology was shown by Mr. Ehara, a specialist in a drone. In the fourth stage, problems to be solved in urban and rural improvement were shown. In the fifth stage, all participants discussed practical use of a drone positively. The sixth stage was showing the results of their discussion and thinking backward.
We think that the second stage, operating drones, made the participants’ attitude more positive. Even in a short workshop, moving participants’ hands is very important. Although we evaluate their active discussion highly, they did not get even a rough draft for concrete and practical use. We have to increase time for the discussion or think an effective devise for participants’ concrete discussion.
13:00 - 13:20(20min.) | 趣旨紹介・自己紹介 | |
13:20 - 13:35(15min.) | ドローン技術のアウトラインの紹介 | |
13:35 - 14:20(45min.) | ドローンの実機操縦 | |
14:20 - 15:30(70min.) | ドローンの最新技術の紹介(江原氏) | |
15:30 - 15:45(15min.) | 都市農村整備の課題の紹介 | |
15:45 - 16:00(15min.) | 休憩 | |
16:00 - 16:40(40min.) | ドローンの活用方法に関する議論 | |
16:40 - 17:00(20min.) | 議論のまとめ | |
17:00 - 17:05(5min.) | ワークショップ全体のふり返り |
実機操縦は操縦能力の向上だけでなく、アイスブレイクや士気の向上にも貢献したと考えている。このような短期間のワークショップであっても、実際に手を動かすことは非常に重要といえる。議論自体は活発であり、大いに評価している。ただし、肝心の活用方法については、おおまかな下書きすら描くことができなかった。対策としては、次の二つが考えられる。(1) 議論の時間を増やす。(2) 具体的な議論を促進するための仕掛け(例:話題の拡散防止)を考案する。
アイテム | ドローン、ゴムシート、模造紙、付せん、筆記用具など |
開催日時 | 2016.6.11(土) 13:00 - 17:05 |
場所 | 東京大学農学部7号館B:231/232教室 |
参加者・人数 | 9名 |
講師/ファシリテーター | 江原正規(東京工科大学・実験講師) |