Land Use Reorganization
In Japan, nation-wide depopulation and financial difficulties press us to reorganize national land use. It is simple to consider separately issues such as population transfer or simplifying land management. However, it is extremely difficult to develop a comprehensive plan that encompasses many parts, because we have not yet clearly articulated our values for prioritizing these parts. This was a challenging workshop for advanced learners on the reorganization of land use. It was carried out at the University of Tokyo on October 28, 2014. Our aim was for participants to improve their ability to articulate values for the reorganization of land use. Additionally, it built upon work towards the construction of ‘SimRural,’ a project that was developed in the previous workshop ‘Making “SimRural” with Blank Cards,’ held on October 18-19. The workshop had only two stages. In the first stage, a specialist in rural planning presented his values for the reorganization of land use with concrete examples, which were arranged in 17 simple articles, for example the need to preserve the potential of soil at low cost (in case we cannot preserve present farmland) and the need to think about preserving the number of choices for the coming generation. In the second stage, the participants were divided into three groups, and then each group independently tried making articles like those of the specialist. As for their trials, we required them to arrange their values in relation to land use but did not provide materials to guide them. Although this workshop was a success, their works remained rough ideas without practicability. We should have provided intelligible material as guidance. Additionally, we hope to make a full-scale SimRural using the valuable experience gained in these three workshops.
段階1:全体の趣旨が簡単に説明された。「(現在の農地を維持することができないなら)低コストで(土壌の)潜在力を守る」「迷ったら次世代の選択肢を減らさないことを考える」といった、土地利用の再構築に関する「価値観」(十七条に整理)が、具体例とともに提示された(発表者の試案)。 段階2:3つのグループに分かれ、それぞれが独立的に、「なにかを実施するときの価値観」を整理することに挑戦した。主催者側は、土地利用と関連することを考えるように求めたが、「素材」は提供しなかった。
60min | 段階1:ワークショップの趣旨説明、農村計画の専門家からの試案の提示 | |
90min | 段階2:なにかを構築するための「価値観」を整理するための議論と発表 |
アイテム | スケッチブック、ペン |
開催日時 | 2014.10.28(火)18:30-21:00 |
場所 | 東京大学弥生キャンパス農学部7号館B: 231/232教室 |
参加者・人数 | 参加人数:6名 |
講師/ファシリテーター | 林直樹(東京大学大学院農学生命科学研究科特任助教) |