Community×University: A Unique Community Building Partnership
Recently, the importance of partnerships between universities and local communities has been increasing. In fact, some universities have done studies to help and develop local communities. URBAN×ICT workshop #03 aimed to think about the meaning universities have in their communities and the role universities play in those communities. This workshop involved a lecture by Dr. Uchihira and a discussion.
Firstly, Dr. Uchihira introduced some activities that were conducted in local communities by students, which were supported by the Eco Human Center, University of Hyogo. He explained the positive impact these activities have had on these communities. Then he highlighted one of the student activities that entered and won an ENACTUS (formerly known as Students in Free Enterprise) Japan contest. The story demonstrated the importance of‘thinking globally and acting locally.’ After the lecture by Dr. Uchihira, the students made some comments and asked some questions about his lecture on Post-it notes. The facilitators checked them and led a discussion between Dr. Uchihira and the students about the current state of community development in Japan and the impact of community involvement on both students and the community.
*大学と地域の連携プロジェクトを実践する内平氏によるレクチャー「学生が動けば地域もかわる?ー地域連携と人間学」を実施。学生連携プロジェクトの実践例のみならず、そうした実践をENACTUS Japan(大学生の社会起業プロジェクト)で発表し優勝したというエピソードもあり、その発表の様子を動画で鑑賞。これは「ローカルを極めることがグローバルになる」というモデルであり、GCLとしてもとても参考になった。
5min | 趣旨説明 | |
60min | 内平先生によるレクチャー | |
15min | ポストイットに書き出し | |
60min | 全体でのディスカッション | |
10min | まとめ |
— エコヒューマン地域連携センターの仕組み(基金等)について(より詳しく内平氏に説明していただいた)
— エコヒューマン地域連携センターの取り組みを通じた地域リーダー育成について
— 東京で同様の取り組みは可能か
— 高齢化の課題にどう対応できるか
アイテム | 黒板 |
開催日時 | 2014.7.8(火)18:00-20:30 |
場所 | 東京大学本郷キャンパス工学部2号館9階92B教室 |
参加者・人数 | 参加人数:10名 |
講師/ファシリテーター | 講師:内平隆之 |