Local Innovation Camp in Hida
Hida city, the stage of this project, has been suffering from the problem of wild animal damage. That is because residential areas are close to the mountains and multiple damages occur caused by various animals within the same agricultural land throughout the year, and such deployment cannot be coped with simple traps and fences. Meanwhile, Rakuten’s services have been expanded, but its comprehensive utilization is also a part where discussion should be held. In addition, in the University sector, the accumulation and utilization of academic knowledge in various fields can also be regarded as an important resource for better society. Therefore, in this project, three different sectors, Hida City, Rakuten Inc. and the University of Tokyo’s GCL, got together and mixed to conduct Make-a-thon, discussing social challenges especially focusing wildlife control measures in Hida City.
This project has four major checkpoints. First of all, we did fieldwork in Hida city as a kick-off meeting in May. In the course of three days, we experienced and shared how the living space of the people of Hida is close to the wildlife habitat, listening to the local people. Also, at the end of this 3 days, participants presented ideas on each team and got feedback from the implementers of countermeasures against wild animals. In July, at Rakuten’s head office, we held meetings with Rakuten Inc.’s staffs in charge of various services and discussed further ideas for realization of the idea gained by the previous kickoff meeting in Hida. Also, in September we made an intermediate presentation at the Yayoi campus of the University of Tokyo and assumed that we would propose ideas as a startup so that participants can make further projects brush up. At the final symposium in December, by sharing Rakuten’s ICT service and academic knowledge of the University of Tokyo’s GCL to promote integration and utilization, participants shared four ideas aimed at solving concrete social issues in Hida city, opening the discussion to the public.
At the final stage of this workshop, four startup teams proposed ideas and services for wildlife damage countermeasures, respectively. First of all, a team that developed “animal damage map” aiming at visualization and sharing of wildlife damage. And, a team who developed “Hunter Support” as a service that connects hunter and community and helps those who are willing to become a hunter. “SISITOWN” which combinedly developed services related to so-called “jibie” (wild animals’ meat which obtained by hunters) in order to give economic value to animals disinfected as a result of countermeasures against wildlife damage. Finally, combined with Rakuten’s services of the travel system and countermeasures against wild harmful animals, ideas aimed at social influences such as “trapping women” were considered and announced at the final symposium. Those proposed in this project were submitted to Hida City and will be developed as a project of Rakuten Technology Institute in the future.
第1回(5.25-27) | ||
・飛騨まちなかクエスト | ||
・インスパイヤー飛騨with Raku-Tech | ||
・アーリーバード散策 | ||
・グループでの現地見学 | ||
・グループ戦略会議 | ||
・プレゼンテーション | ||
・飛騨イノベーションエコシステム(全体の計画提案)の作成 | ||
第2回(7.18) | ||
・Hack-Day イントロダクション | ||
・グループワーク | ||
・サービス担当者インタビュー | ||
・Asa-janai-Kai | ||
第3回(9.19) | ||
・イントロダクション | ||
・スタートアップ企業としての戦略会議 | ||
・スタートアッププレゼンテーション | ||
第4回(12.14) | ||
・プロジェクト趣旨説明・道程紹介 | ||
・4チーム発表 | ||
・飛騨市長挨拶 | ||
・パネルディスカッション |
本ワークショップの最終段階では、4つのスタートアップチームから、それぞれ鳥獣被害対策のアイデアおよびサービスの提案が行われた。まず、鳥獣被害の可視化・共有化を目指した「獣害マップ」の開発を行ったチーム。そして、新規でハンターになりたい人や、ハンターとコミュニティをつなげるサービスとして「Hunter Support」を展開したチーム。鳥獣被害対策の結果として駆除された動物に経済的価値を与えるため、ジビエに関わるサービスを複合的に展開した「SISITOWN」。そして、楽天が有する旅行系のサービスと鳥獣被害対策を組み合わせ、「罠女」などのソーシャルな影響も狙ったアイデアが考えられ、最終シンポジウムで発表された。本企画で提案されたものは、飛騨市に提出され、また楽天株式会社楽天技術研究所のプロジェクトとして展開されていく予定である。
アイテム | 模造紙、付せん、インターネット環境、パソコン、ワークシート、ブランクカード、携帯端末、ドローン、モバイルプロジェクター、カラフルトークン、鹿の角 |
開催日時 | 2018 年5月25日-27 日(金-日),7月18日(水)、9月19日(水)、12月14日(金) |
場所 | 岐阜県飛騨市内 |
参加者・人数 | 学生8名 |
講師/ファシリテーター | 土田憲司(飛騨市企画部地域振興課) |