Get self-awareness with a drawing app
Individuals with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) have difficulty in social interaction, communicating with others, and improving self-understanding. Since there is a limit to the expression of languages, clarifying whether self-expression by drawing can provide awareness of themselves may provide hints for improving self-understanding.
In this workshop, I asked individuals with ASD to draw pictures with a drawing app to see if they could be deepen aware of themselves. Participants are adults who do not draw pictures on a daily basis and are not accustomed to use drawing apps. The purpose was to have them experience interaction with others through their art works and group work and to discover about themselves through the workshop.
They used ibis Paint X to paint with a method called “self-drawing.” After drawing the picture, they wrote “changes in feelings and moods before, during, and after drawing,” “thoughts during drawing,” and “difficulties.” In pair work, they discussed impressions of drawing a picture and explanations of the art work. Next, they explained an art work of each other to everyone. In addition, they wrote out “associative words” from the art work and I asked them to decide the important order of the words and the impression of plus or minus. They wrote down “what I noticed from the associative words” and “what I noticed about my feelings, thoughts, and characteristics” and discussed them with everyone. Finally, we all discussed what we noticed from the opinions of others and what we learned from self-expression.
Eight to 21 associative words were described for each, and some of people had the pluses and minuses were classified in a well-balanced manner, while others had no minuses or pluses, and contrasting results were obtained. What they noticed from the art works and associative words was that “the art work incluses many stuffs I’m so interested recently”, “I can’t lie to the art work. My element is appearing,” “I see myself critically, for better or for worse,” and so on.
As for what they noticed from the art works and opinions of others, there were comments such as “The personality, hobbies, and thoughts of others were well communicated” and “I felt that I could communicate deeper with others than using just words.” It was suggested that the interaction was created through the art works, and that it was noticed by others’ art works and comments and led to discoveries about oneself.
Since the workshop was the first attempt to study my doctoral dissertation, I conducted it with IRB approval of the University of Tokyo (# 21-221).
2日にわたり、各回4人の参加で実施した。自己紹介の後、本WSを行う背景と目的について説明した。アイビスペイントXを用い、試し描きをした後、自分描画法(小山, 2011)を援用して教示に沿って絵を描いてもらった。ワークシートに「描画前・描画中・描画後の気持ちや気分の変化」「描画中に考えたこと」「大変だったところ」を書いてもらい、ペアワークではそれらの感想を作品の説明とともに共有した。次に全体ワークとして、ペアになった相手の描画について説明してもらった。さらに、PAC分析(内藤, 1997)を援用して、絵から「連想語」をあげてもらう個人ワークを実施した。それぞれの連想語に重要度順と、印象としてプラス・マイナス(またはどちらでもない)をつけてもらい、「連想語を見て気づいたこと」「自分の気持ち・考え・特徴について気づいたこと」を書き出し、全体ワークで共有した。最後に、他者の意見から気づいたことを踏まえて全体で議論し、自己表現から得たものについて振り返りを行った。
5min | 自己紹介 | |
5min | WSの背景・目的の説明 | |
10min | 描画アプリの説明・試し描き | |
30min | 自分描画法による描画の実施 | |
5min | 感想を書く(個人ワーク) | |
10min | 感想を話し合う(ペアワーク) | |
10min | 休憩 | |
30min | ペアの描画について解説(全体共有) | |
20min | 自身の絵について自由に連想する(個人ワーク) | |
20min | 連想語の結果から気づいたことについて話し合う(全体共有) | |
20min | WSの振り返り・まとめ | |
5min | 継続調査についてのお知らせ |
アイテム | アイビスペイントX、タッチペン、ワークシート、筆記用具、インターネット環境 |
開催日時 | 2021年10月23日、10月24日 |
場所 | Zoom |
参加者・人数 | 合計8名/自閉スペクトラム症(広汎性発達障害、アスペルガー症候群を含む)の診断を持つ成人 |
講師/ファシリテーター | 石川千春(東京大学大学院教育学研究科博士課程2年) |